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Popular Science Articles

2024. Rifleman, NZ's smallest bird may be 'missing link' in birdsong evolution: study

ABC Science, by Fleur Connick [link]

2024. Tiny bird sheds light on the evolution of vocal learning, by Rodielon Putol [link]

2024. Tiniest bird delivers evolution lesson

University of Auckland News and Opinion, by Paul Panckhurst [link]

2020. Tiny tech could enable wildlife monitoring in miniature

Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, by Meghan Miner Murray [link]

Collaboration with Vikram Iyer and Network and Mobile Systems Lab led by Shyam Gollakota  (the University of Washington)

2019. Cuckoo crushes Rifleman *
Forest & Bird Magazine, by Anne Beston [link] p53

2019. Ecologists discover fearsome predator of NZ’s tiniest bird *

Community.Scoop [link]

2018. Teaching wild birds to sing a new tune

EurekAlert! [link]

Collaboration with the Mennill Lab

2018. University of Windsor club not for the faint-hearted *

Windsor Star [link]

* First author of featured research

Ines Moran - Cuckoo vs Rifleman
00:00 / 16:34


2024. NZ's smallest bird makes new sounds *

From Nine to Noon |Radio RNZ| RNZ [link]

2019. Cuckoo vs Rifleman *
Saturday Morning- Radio RNZ ​ | RNZ [link]


 2024. Are New Zealand Wrens vocal learners? [link]

 2019. Bioacoustics tools- listening to the inner lives of animals [link]



Outreach - Conferences and other presentations

2021 Ecoacoustics Congress

TALK: Individual vocal signature recognition using machine learning algorithms in an Aotearoa bird, the tititipounamu (Rifleman, Acanthisitta chloris).

Moran I.G, Young N., Loo Y.Y, Withers S., Hall M., Stanley M.C. & Cain K.E.

Virtual, Italy; Jun 2021

2021 Birds New Zealand

POSTER & TALK: Disentangling genetic and socio-geographical components: insight into the vocal learning abilities in the vocal behaviour of New Zealand Wrens.

Moran I.G, Loo Y.Y, Withers S., Carroll E., Salloum P., Whitbley A., Louca S., Hall M., Stanley M.C. & Cain K.E.

Thames, New Zealand; Jun 2021

2020 Australasian Society for the Study of Animal Behaviour, ASSAB    * Best speed talk

TALK: Individual vocal signature recognition using machine learning algorithms in an Aotearoa bird, the tititipounamu (Rifleman, Acanthisitta chloris).

Moran I.G, Young N., Loo Y.Y, Withers S., Hall M., Stanley M.C. & Cain K.E.

Virtual- Australia; Oct 2020

2020 North American Ornithological Conference, NAOC

TALK: Phyloacoustics of avian innate vocal traits: insight into animal vocal learning.

Moran I.G, Louca S., Doucet. S.M., Mennill. D.J, Hall M., Stanley M.C., Cain K.E. p.97

Virtual-USA; 2020

2020 Animal Behavior Society, ABS

TALK: Phyloacoustics of avian innate vocal traits: insight into animal vocal learning.

Moran I.G, Louca S., Doucet. S.M., Mennill. D.J, Hall M., Stanley M.C., Cain K.E.

Virtual- 2020

2020 Faculty of Science Poster Competition  * 3rd prize

POSTER : Titipounamu ”Zip”: Vocal signature recognition using machine learning algorithms.

Moran I.G, Young N., Loo Y.Y, Withers S., Hall M., Stanley M.C. & Cain K.E. 

University of Auckland, New Zealand; 2020

2020 School of Biological Science Research Showcase

POSTER: Titipounamu ”Zip”: Vocal signature recognition using machine learning algorithms”.

Moran I.G, Young N., Loo Y.Y, Withers S., Hall M., Stanley M.C. & Cain K.E.

University of Auckland, New Zealand; 2020

2020 Exposure Research image

SCIENCE IMAGE: Selected for finals. Tweet tweet, who am I? Individual vocal signatures in a Aotearoa bird, the titipounamu - rifleman, Acanthisitta chloris.

Moran I.G, Young N., Loo Y.Y, Withers S., Hall M., Stanley M.C. & Cain K.E.

University of Auckland, New Zealand; 2020

2020 University of Auckland, New Zealand; 2020

2020 School of Graduate Studies Research Showcase

POSTER: Titipounamu ”Zip”: Vocal signature recognition using machine learning algorithms. Moran I.G, Young N., Loo Y.Y, Withers S., Hall M., Stanley M.C.& Cain K.E.

University of Auckland, New Zealand; 2020

2019 Australian Ornithological Conference, AOC
TALK: Micro-geography in the vocal behaviour of New Zealand Wrens. Moran I.G, Loo Y.Y, Withers S., Hall M., Stanley M.C. & Cain K.E. p.19

Darwin, Australia; 2019

2019 Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Meetings, EEB

TALK: Diel and seasonal patterns of variation in the singing behaviour of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Moran I.G, Lukianchuk K.C, Doucet S.M, Newman A.E, Williams H., Norris D.R, Mennill DJ.

Auckland, New Zealand; 2019

2019 Science Faculty Poster Competition

POSTER: The evolution of vocal learning in birds: Combining genetic and bioacoustics methods to investigate vocal learning in rifleman, Acanthisitta chloris

University of Auckland, New Zealand; 2019

2018 International Ornithological Congress, IOC

WORKSHOP: How to taxidermy birds

Vancouver, Canada; 2018 

2017 Animal Behaviour Society, ABS

POSTER: Quiet Violence: Do soft songs predict physical aggression in Savannah Sparrows? Moran I.G, Doucet S.M, Newman A.E.M, Norris D.R, Mennill D.J. p.26- Poster20.

Toronto, Canada; 2017

2017 American Ornithological Society and Society of Canadian Ornithologists, AOS SCO-SOC

TALK: Quiet Violence: Songbirds respond to playback-simulated rivals using soft songs as aggressive signals of intention. Moran I.G, Doucet S.M, Newman A.E.M, Norris D.R, Mennill D.J 

Michigan, USA; 2017 

2016 North American Ornithological Conferences

POSTER: Quiet Violence: Do soft songs predict physical aggression in Savannah Sparrows? Moran I.G, Doucet S.M, Newman A.E.M, Norris D.R, Mennill D.J p33- Poster 63.

Washington DC, USA; 2016

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