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Peer-reviewed publications and theses


13. Sharma SPS, Dobney SL, Norris DR, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Burant JB, Moran IG, Mueller SD, Spina HA, Woodworth B, Mennill DJ (2024). Intrinsic and extrinsic factors influence territory size and shape in Savannah Sparrows: effects of age, breeding strategy, population density, and number of neighbours.  Ornithology ukae025, [PDF]


12. Moran IG, Loo Y.Y., Louca S. et al (2024). Vocal convergence and social proximity shape the calls of the most basal Passeriformes, New Zealand Wrens. Communications Biology 7, 575 . [PDF]


11. Loo YY, Moran IG, Menzies AK, Withers SJ, Stanley MC, Cain KE (2023). Structure and function of the vocal repertoire of the Rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris), a member of the earliest diverging passerine suborder, Acanthisitti. Journal of Field Ornithology 94 (4). [PDF]


10. Moran IG, Loo YY, Withers SJ, Stanley MC, Cain KE (2023). Playback experiment shows no evidence for vocal learning in titipounamu nestlings (Acanthisitta chloris). New Zealand Journal of Zoology, 1-15. [PDF]


9. Hensel ALJ, Dobney S, Moran IG, Thomas IP, Burant JB, Woodworth BK, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Norris DR, Williams H, Mennill DJ (2022). Passive acoustic monitoring provides predictable and reliable underestimates of population size and longevity in wild Savannah Sparrows. Ornithological Applications 124:1-11. [PDF]


8. Moran IG (2021). The evolutionary roots of vocal learning: Exploring vocal learning abilities in vocal non-learners in birds. PhD Thesis-University of Auckland. New Zealand. [link]


7. Loo YY, Moran IG, Cain KE (2019). Grey warbler aggressive behaviour towards rifleman fledglings. Notornis 66: 174–177. [PDF]


6. Mennill DJ, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Williams H, Moran IG, Thomas IP, Woodworth BK, Bornais M, Norris DR (2019). Eavesdropping on adult vocal interactions does not enhance juvenile song learning: an experiment with wild songbirds. Animal Behaviour 155: 67e75[PDF]


5. Moran IG,  Lukianchuk KC, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Williams H, Norris DR,  Mennill DJ (2019). Diel and seasonal patterns of variation in the singing behaviour of Savannah Sparrows (Passerculus sandwichensis). Avian Research 10:26. [PDF]


4. Moran IG, Loo YY, Cain KE (2019). Long-tailed cuckoo (Eudynamys taitensis) predation on rifleman (Acanthisitta chloris) nestlings. Notornis 66: 103-107. [PDF]


3. Mennill DJ, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Williams H, Moran IG, Thomas IP, Woodworth BK, Norris DR (2018). Wild Birds Learn Songs from Experimental Vocal Tutors. Current Biology 28:1-6. [PDF]















2. Moran IG, Doucet SM, Newman AEM, Norris DR, Mennill DJ (2018). Quiet violence: Savannah Sparrows respond to playback-simulated rivals using low-amplitude songs as aggressive signals. Ethology 124:724-732. [PDF]


 1. Moran IG. 2017. Acoustic signalling in Savannah Sparrows, Passerculus sandwichensis: Diel and seasonal variation, male-male vocal interactions, and responses to playback. Master's thesis- University of Windsor. Canada. [PDF]


 Manuscripts in review

8. Moran I.G, et al. 2022. Phyloacoustics of innate vocalizations supports the vocal learning continuum hypothesis. In review in the journal Science

Dan Mennill

Manuscripts in progress


Moran I.G, et al. Teaching birds how to ”zip”: a playback experiment to test call learning in one of the most basal passerine bird. In prep.


Moran I.G, et al. Aotearoa tititipounamu (Acanthisitta chloris) produce individual and nests vocal signatures. In prep.


Moran I.G, et al. Insights into the vocal learning abilities in the vocal behaviour of New Zealand Wrens: disentangling genetic and socio-geographical components. In prep.


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