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The sounds of Kent Island


On Kent Island, birds sing, and the sun shines. Deep in the forest, a flock of White-Throated Sparrows stops a moment from their food search to take a bath in a small puddle. This simple scene was delectable, and I made sure to capture it. Other pleasant sounds were resonating on Kent island that day, notably the cat-like calls from Gray Cat birds, the melodious songs of Yellow-rumped Warblers and Common Yellow-Throats, and the clear chips of Dark-eyed Juncos.

White-throated Sparrows (Zonotrichia albicollis) bathing in a puddle in the forest.

When bathing, White-throated Sparrows dip their heads quickly underwater and let the water drop while beating their wings close to their body very carefully. The wing flapping sound is represented here on the spectrogram with long dark frequency lines. Kent Island, 2016 05 14

Common Yellow throat call, (Geothlypis trichas), Kent Island, 2016 05 14

Yellow-rumped warbler, (Setophaga coronata), Kent Island, 2016 05 14

Yellow-rumped warbler song, (Setophaga coronata), Kent Island, 2016 05 14

Gray Catbird call (Dumetella carolinensis), Kent Island, 2016 05 14

Eastern Phoebe (Sayornis phoebe), Kent Island, 2016 05 14

Dark-eyed junco calls (Junco hyemalis), Kent Island, 2016 05 14

Bobolink (Dolichonyx oryzivorus), Kent Island, 2016 05 15

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